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Writing Projects

This is a list of my other writing projects and professional activities
(in reverse chronological order).


  • Wrote disaster recovery plans, business continuity plans, white papers, and procedures for a mortgage servicing company

  • Provided technical expertise and expert witness testimoney for a technology patent infringement lawsuit

  • Taught web-based courses in documenting policies and procedures, creating manuals and user guides, and designing online help systems

  • Documented high-end factory automation management software

  • Produced a suite of printed and online documentation for gene splicing and mapping software

  • Designed and wrote online documentation for broker/finanical analyst management software

  • Designed and wrote documentation for cable TV field technician hardware and associated software

  • Provided technical expertise and expert witness testimony for an online help copyright infringement lawsuit

  • Developed the project plan and timetable for a comprehensive web-based help system for a videoconferencing/chat/whiteboard product

  • Wrote marketing case studies for a consulting firm

  • Wrote executive presentations and preliminary analyses for fail-over and business continuity for a major cell phone company

  • Edited the technical manual for a backbone router

  • Converted a series of XML training manuals from a collection of PowerPoint slides and instructor notes to a written prose format

  • Cataloged several gigabytes of internal system documentation and created server and CD versions of a web-based graphical documentation interface for the data center, operations, and field staff of a major cell phone company

  • Wrote magazine articles, marketing material, and white papers on Bluetooth, wireless, and DSL equipment and technology for an international electronics and chip-manufacturing company

  • Edited and laid out the manual for desktop waterfall kits

  • Wrote internal documentation on system networking and data access interfaces for the billing system for a large cell phone company

  • Wrote online help, administrator's guide, and SDK documentation for enterprise information portal software

  • Wrote and edited the operator's guide for an e-form company's new product

  • Trained a company's development staff on web security and web development basics

  • Created online and printed documentation for a new Internet browsing and graphics package

  • Rewrote a manual and updated the HTML help for a network management package

  • Converted a suite of manuals from PageMaker to HTML and PDF formats

  • Taught community college classes in the basics of writing online help

  • Consulted on documentation and system needs for a 2000-user NT installation at a children's hospital

  • Consulted to several companies on setting up Technical Publications departments

  • Created and programmed America Online forums for the movie Braveheart and for a music software company

  • Documented the setup and configuration procedures for tax preparation software

  • Wrote part of the online documentation for Visio

  • Wrote the online documentation for the first release of America Online's Windows client software

  • Documented a voice response application development language

  • Designed a brochure for a Windows-based application for stockbrokers

  • Wrote and revised training materials for several Macintosh applications

  • Documented modules of mainframe telephone switching and routing software

  • Wrote the Getting Started manual for Microsoft Fortran 5.1

  • Taught corporate classes in Microsoft Works

  • Documented software and hardware for a large voice mail system

  • Did general computer consulting and training for several corporations in Seattle

  • Set up a bulletin board for a local publishing company

  • Designed and wrote documentation for a Paradox-based medical records system

  • Wrote manuals describing how to install and use laser printer controller cards and PostScript emulation software

  • Designed and produced a Microsoft Excel application for recording studios that calculates the recording time and tape length for each album cut

  • Designed and produced the graphics for a successful state grant proposal

  • Wrote parts of the online help for Microsoft Excel

  • Designed and wrote documentation for mainframe financial applications

  • Wrote the reference section and appendices of the Microsoft Chart 3.0 manual

  • Designed and wrote an operations handbook for local treasurers of non-profit corporations

  • Designed and wrote award-winning manuals and online help for Microsoft Multiplan 3.0 and 4.0

  • Designed and wrote award-winning manuals for tax preparation and tax planning software

  • Designed and wrote an award-winning manual for payroll software

  • Designed and wrote documentation for a fund-based accounting system

Copyright © 2015 by John Hedtke.
All rights reserved.

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